About Me

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Bigfork, Montana, USA
Bigfork Bay Cotton Company is a full service, brick and mortar quilt shop, as well as a retail/wholesale pattern business. You can view our pattern line on our website, but on a more personal level, we'd like to invite you into our shop and share with you the joy of quilting in our corner of the world!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


What amazing luck! My husband and I were in Spokane last weekend to see kd lang. We were walking through our hotel lobby on Saturday night after the show and suddenly, my quilting radar went off. Now this was a huge lobby, and I couldn't imagine why the radar was going off, but I immediately started scanning the room, and way across the lobby was a little rack with flyers for this quilt exhibit! It was at the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture in Spokane, just minutes from our hotel. Now this was at midnight on Saturday, and we were going to get up and leave Sunday morning. I was thrilled that the museum was open on Sunday and we got to spend some time there before we left.
There were three crazy quilts in the exhibit. Here are some embroidery samples from those quilts. We're thinking of starting up an embroidery club at the shop.....now I'm really excited about that! I'll be posting more pictures from the exhibit over the next couple of days, or you can visit my Picasa Web Album: http://picasaweb.google.com/bigforkbaycottonco/NorthwestMuseumOfArtsCultureExhibitQuiltscapes#

1 comment:

Linda Queen said...

The Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture loves your comments about our exhibit. Thank you for sharing them.

Linda Queen
Secretary to the CEO and Board of Trustees