Do you need a quick-t0-make gift for a baby shower or a new arrival? Check out for instructions on how to make this baby sling. (You can buy them on this site also.)

I made this one last weekend. It was the second one I made. It literally takes ten minutes to make. It took longer to press the fabric than it did to sew this. I didn't have a baby handy, so here it is on my newel post with a sack of potatoes in it.

Here's little Parker in the first one I made. The poor little guy had a very "immature belly", (translation: colic), and really had a hard time his first few months. Being in the sling really comforted him and helped preserve his parents' sanity.

Fast forward a couple of months and you can see that he is still very comfortable in it, and of course, it's great for momma and poppa to have both hands free for other things.

What I really love about this company ( is that even though they sell the slings, they shared instructions on how to make them. There is a video on the site that explains different ways to wear it for different ages.